Cornell Tech, Information Science
Director, Digital Life Initiative
Cornell Tech 2016 - present
Professor, Information Science
Director, Digital Life Initiative
New York University 2001 - 2017
Professor, Department of Media, Culture and Communication; Computer Science
Faculty Fellow, Information Law Institute, NYU Law School
Visitor, School of Social Sciences, 2008
Member, School of Social Sciences, 2000-2001
Princeton University 1991-2001
Research Associate, University Center for Human Values, 1998-2001
Coordinator, Program in Science, Technology and Ethics
Associate Director, University Center for Human Values, Program in Ethics & Public Affairs, 1991-1998
Lecturer, Woodrow Wilson School of Public & International Affairs, 1991-2001
Stanford University 1983-1991
Assistant Director, Symbolic Systems Program, 1985-1991
Postdoctoral Research Affiliate, Center for the Study of Language & Information, 1983-1985
University of California Berkeley Spring 2019
Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing
Long-Term Participant, Data Privacy: Foundations and Applications
Princeton University Spring 2015
Visiting Research Scholar, Center for Information Technology Policy
Hebrew University of Jerusalem Fall 2013
Lady Davis Fellow, Department of Communication and Journalism
University of Pennsylvania Fall 2012
Visiting Scholar, Annenberg School for Communication
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton 2000-2001, 2008
Visitor, School of Social Sciences, 2008
Member, School of Social Sciences, 2000-2001
Ph.D. Philosophy (1983) Stanford University, Stanford, CA
M.A. Social Sciences in Education (1978) Stanford University, Stanford, CA
B.A. Mathematics and Philosophy (1975) University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
B.A. Honors in Philosophy, First Class (1976) University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
Philosophy and politics of technology: ethical, social and political implications of IT and digital media (privacy, security, accountability, intellectual property, electronic publication, computing in education), information and communications policy, values in technology design.
Distinguished Fellow, Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Stanford University, named March 2019
Honorary Doctorate, Leuphana University at Lüneberg: For significant research in the field of privacy in a networked world, awarded June 2017
Barwise Prize, American Philosophical Association: For significant and sustained contributions to areas relevant to philosophy and computing, awarded December 2014
Principal Investigator, National Security Agency, The Science of Privacy: Implications for Data Usage, H98230-18-D-006, awarded August 7th, 2018, $499,989 (sub-award from the International Computer Science Institute)
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: Contextual Integrity: From Theory to Practice, CNS-1801501, awarded August 1, 2018, $399,980
Co-Principal Investigator, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, AI in the Social Interest, awarded January 23, 2018, $900,000
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, SaTC: CORE: Large: Collaborative: Accountable Information Use: Privacy and Fairness in Decision-Making Systems, CNS-1704527, awarded May 18, 2017, $899,999
Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, International Workshop on Obfuscation: Science, Technology, and Theory, SES-1642553, awarded September 1, 2016, $50,000
Co-Principal Investigator, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Origin Privacy: Protecting Privacy in the Big-Data Era, FA8750-16-2-0287, awarded September 1, 2016, $425,951
Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, INSPIRE: Value-Function Handoffs in Human-Machine Compositions that are under Design for the Internet of Things, SES-1650589, awarded September 1, 2016, subaward $485,000 (Total grant: $970,000 to University of California-Berkeley School of Information MIMS)
Co-Principal Investigator, The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Center for Cyber Security, awarded January 1, 2016, $500,000
Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, EAGER: Collaborative: A Research Agenda to Explore Privacy in Small Data Applications, SES-1537324, awarded September 2015, $246,018
Co-Principal Investigator, Digital Trust Foundation, Data/Metadata Distinction in US Privacy Law and Policy, awarded March 2015, $125,000
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, EAGER: Values in Design in the Future Internet Architecture - Next Phase, CNS-1355398, awarded January 2014, $299,00
Principal Investigator, Intel Science and Technology Center for Social Computing, NYU site, awarded June 2012, $1,625,000
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, EAGER: Values in Design in the Future Internet Architecture, CNS-1058333, awarded September 1, 2010, $300,000
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, IGERT: Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship, DGE-0966187, July 2010, NYU sub-award $514,377 (Total grant: $2,848,461 to NYU-Poly)
Co-Principal Investigator, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Strategic Healthcare Information Technology Advanced Research Projects on Security (SHARPS), April 2010, NYU sub-award $710,688 (Total grant: $15 million to Information Trust Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Scholarship for Service, September 2008, NYU-CIMS sub-award $262,187 (Total grant: $2.168 million to NYU-Poly)
Co-Principal Investigator, Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Program of the University Research Initiative (MURI), Collaborative Policies and Assured Information Sharing, ONR BAA 07-036 August 2008. $500,000 (Total grant: $4,453,881)
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: GENI Working Group Meetings - Opt-in, CNS-0820795 September 2008. $49,997
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Cyber-Trust (CT) Collaborative Research, CT-M: Privacy, Compliance and Information Risk in Complex Organizational Processes, CNS-0831124 July 2008. $250,000 (Total grant: $1.2 million)
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Science of Design Collaborative Research: Values-at-Play - Integrating Social Factors into Design, CNS 0613893 September 2006. $537,243 (Total grant: $790,757)
Principal Investigator, United States Department of Homeland Security, "The Politics of Facial Recognition Systems." $60,073
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: A Workshop on Values in the Design of Information Technology, SES-0352632 June 2004. $32,291
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Collaborative Research: Sensitive Information in a Wired World, ITR-0331542, awarded September 2003, $406,000 (Total grant: $12.5 million) [Press Release]
Project Director, Ford Foundation Grant, Values in Technology Design: Democracy, Autonomy, and Justice, awarded May 2003, $100,000
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Research Agenda Workshop on Internet Research Ethics, SES-0135590, awarded November 15, 2001, Lancaster University, $20,529
Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Societal Values in an Age of Information Technology, SES-9806234, awarded July 1, 1998, $75,000
Co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation, Network Security Responsive to Human Values: Theory and Practice, SES-9729447, (Co-Investigators: E. Felten, Princeton University and B. Friedman, Colby College), $463,257
F. Brunton and H. Nissenbaum, Obfuscation: A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2015), Polish Translation Zmyl trop Na barykadach prywatności w sieci (Warsaw: PWN, 2016), French Translation Obfuscation : la vie privée, mode d'emploi (Caen: C&F éditions, 2019).
M. Flanagan and H. Nissenbaum, Values at Play in Digital Games (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2014), Portuguese Translation Values at Play, Valores em Jogos Digitais (São Paulo: Blucher, 2016).
J. Lane, V. Stodden, S. Bender, H. Nissenbaum, (Eds.) Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
K. Varnelis and H. Nissenbaum, Modulated Cities: Networked Spaces, Reconstituted Subjects, Situated Technologies Book Series, Pamphlet No. 9, (New York: The Architectural League of New York, 2011).
H. Nissenbaum, Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life, (Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010), Spanish Translation Privacidad Amenazada: Tecnología, Política y la Integridad de la Vida Social (Mexico City: Océano, 2011).
L. Introna and H. Nissenbaum, Facial Recognition Technology: A Survey of Policy and Implementation Issues, Report of the Center for Catastrophe Preparedness and Response, NYU (2009).
M. Price and H. Nissenbaum (Eds.), Academy and The Internet, (New York, Peter Lang Publishing Company, 2004).
D. Johnson and H. Nissenbaum (Eds.), Computers, Ethics, and Social Values, (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1995).
H. Nissenbaum, Emotion and Focus, (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985).
AdNauseam (with Daniel Howe: 2013 - updates ongoing) A Firefox browser extension designed to protect users from surveillance and tracking by advertising networks.
Adnostic (with Dan Boneh, Arvind Narayanan, and Vincent Toubiana: 2009 - updates ongoing) A Firefox browser extension designed to enable ad targeting without third-party online tracking.
TrackMeNot (with Daniel Howe and Vincent Toubiana: 2006 - updates ongoing) A Firefox browser extension designed to protect web-search against identification, surveillance, and profiling.
S. Engelmann & H. Nissenbaum (2025) "Countering Privacy Nihilism," Conceptions of Data Protection and Privacy. Legal and Philosophical Perspectives. London: Hart 2025 (forthcoming).
K. Martin, H. Nissenbaum, V. Shmatikov (2025) "No Cookies For You!: Evaluating The Promises Of Big Tech's 'Privacy-Enhancing' Techniques," Georgetown Law Technology Review, 9 Geo. L. Tech. Rev. 1 (2025)
K. M. Choksi, E. Balsa, F. Kreuter, H. Nissenbaum (2024) "Privacy for Groups Online: Context Matters," Proceedings ACM Human-Computer Interactions 8, CSCW2, Article 406 (November 2024).
K. Strandburg, S. Viljoen, H. Nissenbaum (2024) "The Great Regulatory Dodge," Harvard J. Law & Tech 1231.
H. Nissenbaum (2024) "AI Safety: A Poisoned Chalice?," IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 94-96.
B. Laufer and H. Nissenbaum (2023) "Algorithmic Displacement of Social Trust," Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University.
B. Laufer, J. Kleinberg, K. Levy, H. Nissenbaum (2023) "Strategic Evaluation," In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization, 1-12. 2023.
B. Laufer, T. Gilbert, H. Nissenbaum (2023) "Optimization's Neglected Normative Commitments," Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency.
I. Sivan-Sevilla, H. Nissenbaum, P. Parham (2022) "Public Comment for FTC's Commercial Surveillance ANPR," OSF Preprints.
H. Nissenbaum (2022) "Stewardship of Privacy or Private Capture of a Public Value - a Note," Available at SSRN 4154535.
E. Balsa, H. Nissenbaum, S. Park (2022) "Cryptography, Trust, and Privacy: It's Complicated," 2nd ACM Symposium on Computer Science and Law.
A. Feder Cooper, B. Laufer, E. Moss, H. Nissenbaum (2022) "Accountability in an Algorithmic Society: Relationality, Responsibility, and Robustness in Machine Learning," 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 864-876.
S.Zhang, Y.Shvartzshnaider, Y. Feng, H. Nissenbaum, N. Sadeh (2022) "Stop the Spread: A Contextual Integrity Perspective on the Appropriateness of COVID-19 Vaccination Certificates," 2022 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, 1657-1670.
L. McGuigan, Lee, and H. Nissenbaum (2021) "On Google's Sandbox/FLoC Proposal: Comments Submitted to UK-CMA," https://www.dli.tech.cornell.edu/post/comments-on-proposed-privacy-sandbox-commitments-regarding-user-welfare-case-reference-50972
F. Gerdon, H. Nissenbaum, R. L. Bach, F. Kreuter, and S. Zins. (2021) "Individual acceptance of using health data for private and public benefit: Changes during the COVID-19 pandemic," Harvard Data Science Review (2021).
M. Hanley, S. Barocas, K. Levy, S. Azenkot, H. Nissenbaum (2021) "Computer Vision and Conflicting Values: Describing People with Automated Alt Text," Artificial Intelligence Ethics and Society (AIES).
J. Goldenfein, D. Mulligan, H. Nissenbaum, W. Ju (2021) "Through the Handoff Lens: Competing Visions of Autonomous Futures," Berkeley Technology Law Journal, (In Press).
M. Hanley, A. Khandelwal, H. Averbuch-Elor, N. Snavely, H. Nissenbaum (2020) "An Ethical Highlighter for People-Centric Dataset Creation," arXiv:2011.13583.
D. Susser, B. Roessler, H. Nissenbaum (2020)"Online Manipulation: Hidden Influences in a Digital World," Georgetown Law and Technology Journal.
D. Mulligan, H. Nissenbaum (2020) "The Concept of Handoff as a Model for Ethical Analysis and Design," The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of AI, 233.
D. Susser, B. Roessier, and H. Nissenbaum. (2019) "Technology, autonomy, autonomy, andmanipulation." Internet Policy review. 8(2)
K. Martin and H. Nissenbaum (2020) "What is it about Location?" Berkeley Technology Law Journal
M. Sanfilippo, Yan Shvartzshnaider, I. Reyes, H. Nissenbaum, S. Egelman (2020) "Disaster Privacy/Privacy Disaster," Journal for the Association of Information Science and Technology (in Press).
Y. Shvartzshnaider, N. Apthorpe, N. Feamster, H. Nissenbaum (2019) "Going Against the (Appropriate) Flow: A Contextual Integrity Approach to Privacy Policy Analysis" The Seventh AAAI conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP)
Y. Shvartzshnaider, Z. Pavlinovic, A. Balashankar, T. Wies, L. Subramanian, H. Nissenbaum and P. Mittal (2019) "VACCINE: Using Contextual Integrity For Data Leakage Detection," Proceedings of the 2019 International World Wide Web (WWW) Conference.
H. Nissenbaum (2019) "Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data Food Chain," Theoretical Inquiries in Law 20:1, 221-256.
H. Nissenbaum (2019) "Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?" In Digital Media and Democratic Futures, Ed. M. X. Delli Carpini. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
E. Zeide and H. Nissenbaum (2018) "Learner Privacy in Massive Open Online Courses and Virtual Education," Theory and Research in Education 16:3, 280-307.
D. Howe and H. Nissenbaum (2017) "Engineering Privacy and Protest : a Case Study of AdNauseam," Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Privacy Engineering San Jose, California, USA, 57-64.
S. Benthall, S. Gürses and H. Nissenbaum (2017) "Contextual Integrity through the Lens of Computer Science," Foundations and Trends® in Privacy and Security 2:1, 1-69.
K. Martin and H. Nissenbaum (2017) "Privacy Interests in Public Records: An Empirical Investigation," Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 31:1, 111-143.
K. Martin and H. Nissenbaum (2017) "Measuring Privacy: An Empirical Test Using Context to Expose Confounding Variables," Columbia Science and Technology Law Review 18, 176-218.
P. Kift and H. Nissenbaum (2017) "Metadata in Context - An Ontological and Normative Analysis of the NSA's Bulk Telephony Metadata Collection Program," I/S: A Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society 13:2, 332-372.
Y. Shvartzshnaider, S. Tong, T. Wies, P. Kift, H. Nissenbaum, L. Subramanian and P. Mittal (2016) "Learning Privacy Expectations by Crowdsourcing Contextual Informational Norms," Fourth AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP 2016), 209-218.
H. Nissenbaum and H. Patterson (2016) "Biosensing in Context: Health Privacy in a Connected World." In Quantified: Biosensing Technologies in Everyday Life. Ed. Dawn Nafus. Cambridge, London: The MIT Press, 79-100.
H. Nissenbaum (2015) "Respecting Context to Protect Privacy: Why Meaning Matters," Science and Engineering Ethics, published online on July 12.
H. Nissenbaum (2015) ""Respect for Context as a Benchmark for Privacy Online: What it is and isn't," In Social Dimensions of Privacy, Eds. B. Roessler, D. Mokrosinska, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (Reprinted in Privacy, Security and Accountability: Ethics, Law and Policy, Ed. Adam Moore. London, New York: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2016, 39-62.)
H. Nissenbaum (2015) "'Respect for Context': Fulfilling the Promise of the White House Report," In Privacy in the Modern Age: The Search for Solutions, Eds. M. Rotenberg, J. Horwitz, J. Scott, EPIC, New York: EPIC/The New Press, 152-164.
S. Barocas and H. Nissenbaum (2014) "Big Data's End Run Around Procedural Privacy Protections," Communications of the ACM, 57:11.
S. Barocas and H. Nissenbaum (2014) "Big Data's End Run Around Consent and Anonymity," In Privacy, Big Data and the Public Good Eds. J. Lane, V. Stodden, S. Bender, H. Nissenbaum, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
F. Brunton and H. Nissenbaum (2013) "Political and Ethical Perspectives on Data Obfuscation," In Privacy, Due Process and the Computational Turn (Eds.) Mireille Hildebrandt and Katje de Vries, New York: Routledge, 164-188.
A. Conley, A. Datta, H. Nissenbaum, D. Sharma, "Sustaining Privacy and Open Justice in the Transition to Online Court Records: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry," Maryland Law Review, 71:3 (Summer 2012).
H. Nissenbaum, "From Preemption to Circumvention: If Technology Regulates Why Do We Need Regulation (and Vice Versa)?" Berkeley Technology Law Journal 26:3.
H. Nissenbaum, "A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online," Daedalus 140 (4), Fall 2011: 32-48.
V. Toubiana and H. Nissenbaum, "An Analysis of Google Log Retention Policies," The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality Vol. 3: Iss. 1, Article 2.
H. Nissenbaum, "Privatsphäre im Kontext: Technologie, Politik und die Unversehrtheit des Sozialen," #public_life: Digitale Intimität, die Privatsphäre und das Netz, Band 8 der Reihe Bildung und Kultur, 2011.
F. Brunton and H. Nissenbaum, "Vernacular Resistance to Data Collection and Analysis: A Political Theory of Obfuscation," First Monday, 16(5), May 2011.
V. Toubiana, A. Narayanan, D. Boneh, H. Nissenbaum, and S. Barocas, "Adnostic: Privacy Preserving Targeted Advertising," Proceedings Network and Distributed System Symposium, March 2010.
S. Barocas and H. Nissenbaum, "On Notice: The Trouble with Notice and Consent," Proceedings of the Engaging Data Forum: The First International Forum on the Application and Management of Personal Electronic Information, October 2009.
L. Hansen and H. Nissenbaum, "Digital Disaster, Cyber Security, and the Copenhagen School," International Studies Quarterly, 53, 2009: 1155-1175.
D. Howe and H. Nissenbaum, "TrackMeNot: Resisting Surveillance in Web Search," In Lessons from the Identity Trail: Anonymity, Privacy, and Identity in a Networked Society, Eds. I. Kerr, C. Lucock, and V. Steeves, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
M. Flanagan and H. Nissenbaum, "Design Heuristics for Activist Games," In Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat: New Perspectives on Gender and Computer Games, Eds. Y.B. Kafia, J. Denner, C. Heeter, and J. Sun, Cambridge: MIT Press, 2008, 265-279.
M. Flanagan, D. Howe, and H. Nissenbaum, "Embodying Values in Technology: Theory and Practice," In Information Technology and Moral Philosophy, Eds. Jeroen van den Hoven and John Weckert, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.
M. Flanagan, D. Howe, and H. Nissenbaum, "Design Method Outline for Activist Gaming," In Worlds in Play, Eds. S. de Castell and J. Jensen, Peter Lang 2007, 241-248.
M. Flanagan and H. Nissenbaum, "A Game Design Methodology to Incorporate Social Activist Themes," Proceedings of CHI 2007, March 2007.
Y. Benkler and H. Nissenbaum, "Commons-Based Peer Production and Virtue," Journal of Political Philosophy 14(4), 2006: 394-419. (Reprinted in The Handbook of Peer Production Eds. M.O'Neil, C.Pentzold, and S. Toupin. John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2021, 70-86.)
A. Barth, A. Datta, J. Mitchell, and H. Nissenbaum, "Privacy and Contextual Integrity: Framework and Applications," Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 2006. (Showcased in "The Logic of Privacy," The Economist, January 4, 2007.)
H. Nissenbaum, "Where Computer Security Meets National Security," Ethics and Information Technology, Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2005, 61-73. (Also in Cybercrime, Eds. Jack Balkin, James Grimmelmann, Eddan Katz, Nimrod Kozlovski, Shlomit Wagman, and Tal Zarsky, New York, NYU Press, 2007.)
M. Flanagan, D. Howe, and H. Nissenbaum, "Values at Play: Design Tradeoffs in Socially-Oriented Game Design," Proceedings of CHI 2005, 751-760.
H. Nissenbaum, "Values in Technical Design," Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, New York: Macmillan, 2005, lxvi-lxx.
H. Nissenbaum, "Information Technology and Ethics," Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction, Great Barrington, MA, Berkshire Publishing Group, 2004, 235-239.
H. Nissenbaum, "Will Security Enhance Trust Online, or Supplant It?" In Trust and Distrust Within Organizations: Emerging Perspectives, Enduring Questions, Eds. R. Kramer and K. Cook, Russell Sage Publications (2004): 155-188.
H. Nissenbaum, "Hackers and the Contested Ontology of Cyberspace," New Media and Society, 6(2), 2004: 195-217.
H. Nissenbaum, "Privacy as Contextual Integrity," Washington Law Review, Vol 79, No. 1, February 2004: 119-158.
H. Nissenbaum, "New Research Norms for a New Medium," In The Commodification of Information, Eds. N. Elkin-Koren and N. Netanel, The Hague: Kluwer Academic Press, 2002. 433-457.
H. Nissenbaum, "Hackers and the Battle for Cyberspace," Dissent, Fall 2002, 50-57.
H. Nissenbaum, "Securing Trust Online: Wisdom or Oxymoron," Boston University Law Review, June 2001 Volume 81, No.3 635-664.
(Reprinted in Virtual Publics: Policy and Community in an Electronic Age, Ed. B. Kolko, New York: Columbia University Press, 1983.)
L.J. Camp, C. McGrath, and H. Nissenbaum, "Trust: A Collision of Paradigms," Financial Cryptography 2001: Conference Proceedings, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
H. Nissenbaum, "How Computer Systems Embody Values," IEEE Computer, Mar. 2001, 120, 118-119.
L. Introna and H. Nissenbaum, "Shaping the Web: Why the Politics of Search Engines Matters," The Information Society, 16(3):1-17, 2000.
L. Introna and H. Nissenbaum, "Defining the Web: The Politics of Search Engines," IEEE Computer, January 2000, 54-62.
H. Nissenbaum, "Can Trust be Secured Online? A Theoretical Perspective," Etica e Politica, No. 2, December 1999.
H. Nissenbaum, "The Puzzle of Priority: New Conventions in Research for the Context of Electronic Publication," The Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, Vol 1, No. 1, July 1999: 44-68.
H. Nissenbaum, "The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information Age," The Information Society 15:141-144, 1999.
(Reprinted in Readings in CyberEthics (2001), Eds. R.A. Spinello and H.T. Tavani, Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett.)
L. Introna and H. Nissenbaum, "Sustaining the Public Good Vision of the Internet: The Politics of Search Engines," Center for the Arts and Cultural Policy Studies, Working Paper #9, 1999, Princeton University.
H. Nissenbaum and D. Walker, "A Grounded Approach to Social and Ethical Concerns about Technology and Education," Journal of Educational Computing Research, Vol 19, No. 4, 1998: 411-432.
H. Nissenbaum, "Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of Privacy in Public," Law and Philosophy, 17: 559-596, 1998.
H. Nissenbaum and D. Walker, "Will Computers Dehumanize Education? A Grounded Approach to Values at Risk," Technology in Society, 20, 1998, 237-273.
H. Nissenbaum, "Values in the Design of Computer Systems," Computers in Society, March 1998, 38-39.
H. Nissenbaum, "Values in Computer System Design: Bias and Autonomy," Ethics and Information Technology, Delhi: New Academic Press, 1998
H. Nissenbaum, "Toward an Approach to Privacy in Public: The Challenges of Information Technology," Ethics and Behavior, 7(3), 1997, 207-219.
(Reprinted in Readings in CyberEthics, Eds. R.A. Spinello and H.T. Tavani Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett, 2001.)
C. Mitcham and H. Nissenbaum, "Ethics and Technology," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
H. Nissenbaum, "Information Technology Ethics," Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge, 1998.
B. Friedman and H. Nissenbaum, "Bias in Computer Systems," ACM Transactions on Information Systems, July 1996, 330-347.
H. Nissenbaum, "Accountability in a Computerized Society," In Science and Engineering Ethics, 1996, 2, 25-42.
(Reprinted in Human Values in the Design of Computer Technology, Ed. Batya Friedman, Cambridge and New York: CSLI, 1997.)
H. Nissenbaum, "Should I Copy My Neighbor's Software?," In Computers, Ethics, and Social Responsibility, Eds. D. Johnson and H. Nissenbaum, Prentice Hall, 1995, 201-213.
(Reprinted in Business Ethics for the 21st Century (1997), Eds. D.M. Adams and E.W. Maine, Mountain View: Mayfield Publishing Company.)
(Reprinted in Computers and Ethics in the Cyberage (2001), Eds. D. M. Hester and P.J. Ford, Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall.)
(Reprinted in Ethics for Everyday (2001), Ed. David Benatar, New York: McGraw-Hall.)
B. Friedman and H. Nissenbaum, "Software Agents and User Autonomy," Proceedings of the First International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Feb., 1997, New York: ACM.
B. Friedman and H. Nissenbaum, "Bias in Computer Systems," Center for the Study of Language and Information, Technical Report No. CSLI-94-186, 1994, Stanford.
B. Friedman and H. Nissenbaum, "Discerning Bias in Computer Systems," in InterCHI '93 Adjunct Proceedings, Eds. S. Ashlund, K. Mullet, A. Henderson, E. Hollnagel, and T. White, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 141-142.
H. Nissenbaum, "Casual Copying," Proceedings of the National Conference on Computing and Values, August 1991, 15-22.
Editorial Advisory Board, Encyclopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics (2005 MacMillan Reference, USA)
Associate Editor (and co-founder), Journal of Ethics and Information Technology (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Editorial Advisory Board, The Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality
Editorial Board, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Editorial Board, Research in Philosophy and Technology
Council Member, Computing Community Consortium of the Computing Research Association, 2020-2022
Member, Advisory Board, ESC: The Center for Ethics, Society, and Computing, University of Michigan, March 2019-Present
Invited Commentator, SSRC Fellow Lecture: Lorraine Daston, "Mechanical Rules before Machines: Rules and Paradigms," February 2019
Invited Participant, Knight Foundation and Social Science Research Council, Convening on Research Principles, October 2018
Member, Advisory Panel, SAP Artificial Intelligence Ethics, September 2018
Director, Digital Life Initiative, Cornell Tech, October 2017-Present
Faculty Partner, Information Law Institute, NYU School of Law, October 2017-Present
Panelist, Artificial Intelligence, FEG Annual Meeting, Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, May 2017
Member, Program Committee, AI Now: The Social and Economic Implications of Artifical Intelligence Technologies in the Near-Term, White House, NYU Information Law Institute, July 2016
Invited Participant, Security and Human Behavior 2016, Harvard University, May 2016
Invited Participant, Whither the Data? Toward Understanding Flows in Complex Data Ecosystems, ISAT/DARPA Workshop, March 2016
Member, Organizing Committee, Principles & Practice of Privacy Science Workshop, National Security Agency, December 2015
Co-organizer, Responsible Use of Open Data: Government and the Private Sector, NYU, Berkeley, November 2015
Member, Committee on Privacy for the Intelligence Community, National Research Council, June 2015
Co-Organizer, Algorithms and Accountability Conference, NYU, February 2015
Invited Participant, National Privacy Research Strategy Workshop, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, Arlington, February 2015
Invited Participant, 17th meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues, Emory University, October 2014
Co-Director, The Council for Big Data, Ethics, and Society, 2013 - present
Faculty Advisory Board, NYU Press, 2011-2013
Co-director, Center for Research on Interdisciplinary Studies of Security and Privacy (CRISSP)
Founder Director, Privacy Research Group, NYU Law School
Program Committee, Conference on Governing Algorithms, ILI and MCC May 2013
Co-Organizer, Workshop on Interdisciplinary Studies on Security and Privacy, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, October 2010
Invited Participant, Risk of Data Sharing in Genomics Workshop, University of Colorado Medical Campus, August 2010
Invited Participant, GENI Experimenters' Workshop, Princeton University, July 2010
Invited Participant, Cloud Computing Retreat, Consumer Federation, New York, June 2010
Panelist, Author meets Critic, Privacy in Context, Privacy Law Scholars Conference, George Washington University, June 2010
"Privacy in Public", Inaugural Open Source Journalism Conference, University of Southern California, February 2025
"Digital Manipulation: Machine Readable Humans vs. Inscrutable Machines", Coimisiún na Meán, November 2024
"Contextual Integrity Fundamentals", Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, November 2024
"Machine-Readable Humanity: What's wrong with that?", CEPE/INSEIT, Illinois Tech, May 2024.
"Contextual Integrity: Making privacy work", Google NYC, Cornell Tech, May 2024.
"The Great Regulatory Dodge", NYC Privacy Day, New York University, April 2024.
"Contextual Integrity: Why privacy is still relevant", Civic Thought Initiative, Yale University, April 2024.
"Why the Freedom to Obfuscate is a Precious Safeguard in Digital Societies", Villanova University, April 2024.
"Privacy in Public", Workshop on All Source Intelligence At-Scale, Cornell Tech, March 2024.
"Contextual Integrity: Positive thinking about privacy", Good Systems Symposium: Shaping the Future of Ethical AI, University of Texas Austin, March 2024.
"The Problem of Algorithmic Amplification", AI & Social Media Roundtable Institute for Politics and Global Affairs, November 2023.
"CI: From Privacy to Data Governance", Panel: Privacy & Core Societal Institutions BU Law Review Symposium, November 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: Privacy as Data Governance", Conference on Data, Markets, and Privacy, Carey Business School, September 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: philosophical junctures, ethics & data governance", Summer Institute in AI and Data Ethics, Northeastern University, June 2023.
"Contextual Integrity in Theory and Empirical Application", Keynote 4th MASS Workshop, Manchester University, June 2023.
"Contextual Integrity", Women in Data Science Munich Conference, June 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: From Privacy to Data Governance", Keynote School of Law, Bern University, June 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: From Privacy to Data Governance", Keynote 27th Symposium on Privacy & Security, June 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: Philosophical junctures, ethics, application", Texne Conference, Technology Ethics eXchange Consortium, Harvard University, May 2023.
"Machine-Readable Humanity: What’s wrong with that?", Keynote CEPE/INSEIT, Illinois Tech, May 2023.
"Privacy Challenges in Healthcare through the Lens of Contextual Integrity", Council on Ethical and Judicial Matters, American Medical Association, April 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: From Privacy to Data Governance", Law & Technology Seminar Information Society Project, Yale Law School, April 2023.
"Contextual Integrity in Theory and in practice", Institute for Tech, Law & Policy, UCLA, March 2023.
"Contextual Integrity: Challenging Practice and Challenged by It", Distinguished Lectures Series, Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University, February 2023.
"Addressing privacy challenges in healthcare through the lens of contextual integrity", Ethics Grand Round Lectures, UT Southwestern Medical Center, February 2023.
"Excavating for Ethics in Bias", Distinguished Lecture Series, Northeastern University, November 2022.
"Why the Freedom to Obfuscate is a Precious Safeguard in Digital Societies", Data, Ethics and Society Lecture Series, William & Mary, October 2022.
"Contextual Integrity as a Guide to Ethical Regulation of Privacy and Data", Peking Law, September 2022.
"...contextual Integrity is the worst definition of privacy, except for all the others that have been tried...", CMA/DaTA, August 2022.
"Contextual Integrity: Theory & Applications" Next G Alliance, June 2022.
"...contextual Integrity is the worst definition of privacy, except for all the others that have been tried...", Invited Tutorial, ACM FAccT 2022 Conference, June 2022.
"The Trouble with Consent", Health Strategy Group, Aspen Institute, June 2022.
"Defining & Applying Privacy as Contextual Integrity", Data Privacy Speaker Series, University of Illinois, Urbana Champagne, March 2022.
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity", Keystone Strategy, March 2022.
"Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data (food) Chain", Philosophy Department Spring Colloquium, University of Michigan, March 2022.
"TOC and Ethics Together", Theory of Algorithmic Fairness, Simons Foundation, February 2022.
"All the parameters matter! Contextual Integrity for Statistical Reporting", FCSM Research & Policy Conference Keynote, November 2021.
"Applying Contextual Integrity to Health", Center for Technology and Behavioral Health, Dartmouth College, October 2021.
"Are We "Over" Privacy?", Changing Values, Changing Technologies, Centre for Ethics and Technology, October 2021.
"Contextual Integrity: With some applications", CEPE/IACAP Keynote, Taming the Machine Public Lecture University of Hamburg, July 2021.
"Reasonable Resistance: Ethics and Politics Where Information Retrieval Meets Personalized Recommendation", SIGIR Virtual Conference, July 2021.
"Privacy Issues", Value of Science: Data, Products & Use, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics and the Coleridge Initiative, June 2021.
"Contextual Integrity: Theory and Some Applications", ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, June 2021.
"Manipulative Practices: Why They're Hard to Regulate but Why We Should", Internal Institute of Communications, BEREC, May 2021.
"Contextual Integrity: Breaking the Grip of Public-Private Distinction for Meaningful Privacy", Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering, University of Washington, March 2021.
"Ethics Revisited", Leading in Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Technology and Policy, Harvard Kennedy School, January 2021.
"Contextual Integrity: Privacy for the Digital Age," Institute of International Law, Wuhan University, December 2020.
"The Power of Obfuscation Against AI's Dark Side," Digital Civil Society, Stanford University, 2020.
"Online Manipulation: Machine Readable Humans vs. Inscrutable Machines," Dark Patterns Lunch Talk, German Research Institute for Public Administration, November 2020.
"Deregulating Collection: Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?" Philosophy Postgraduate Conference, University College London, October 2020.
"Assessing Surveillance (with digital technology) Through the Lens of Contextual Integrity," Panel Speaker for Privacy, Confidentiality and Security Perspectives on Data Collection and Use during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, June 2020.
"Adventures with data Obfuscation," Impact Summit, New York City, December 2020.
"Contextual Integrity: Addressing Privacy in Ethical XR," Keynote Speaker, Ethical XR: Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Future of Extended Reality, Florida Atlantic University, February 2020.
"Contextual Integrity: A Privacy Framework for the Digital Age," Distinguished Lecture, John Jay College, Institute of Criminal Justice Ethics, February 2020.
Invited Speaker: Privacy Panel. Workshop of 2020 Census Data Products, National Academy of Sciences. Washington DC, January 2020.
"Councilon the Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence, Third Meeting," Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School, January 2020.
"Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data (food) Chain," Department of Philosophy and Linguistics Colloquium, MIT, November 2019.
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity: Thwarting the Great Regulatory Dodge" Distinguished Lecture, Ethics of Technology Program, Roger Mudd Center for Ethics, Washington and Lee University, October 2019.
"How Emerging Technologies are Rewiring the Global Order," Expert Discussions, Global Orer Colloquium, Uiversity of Pennsylvania, September 2019
"Contextual Integrity," Keynote Speaker, International Association for Cryptologic Research, August 2019.
"What We Can Learn from AdNauseam About the Threat and Power of Data Obfuscation, and Efforts to Suppress It," Digital Democracies: Artificial Publics, Just Infrastructures, Ethical Learning, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, May 2019.
"Governing Machines," 23rd Annual BCLT/BTLJ Symposium, Governing Machines: Defining and Enforcing Public Policy Values in AI Systems, Berkeley School of Law, University of California, April 2019.
"Ethics in Technology," ISAT Designing for Values, Interactivity, Contestability, & Ethics in Systems (DeVICES) Workshop, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, University of California, Berkeley, April 2019.
"What We Can Learn From AdNauseam About the Threat and Power of Data Obfuscation," Simons Institute Theoretically Speaking Series, University of California, Berkeley, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, March 2019.
"Applications of Contextual Integrity," Workshop on Data Privacy: Foundations and Applications, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, March 2019.
"Achieving Meaningful Privacy in Technology and Design," Boot Campt for Data Privacy: Foundations and Applications, University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Berkeley, Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, January 2019.
"Achieving Meaningful Privacy in Design and Technology," Workshop on Privacy in Context, ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing, Jersey City, November 2018.
"Attempted Murder of AdNauseam, & What It Teaches Us About the Power of Obfuscation," RKCSI Speaker Series, Indiana University, Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, November 2018.
"Achieving Meaningful Privacy in Digital Systems," Keynote Address, ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Toronto, October 2018.
"Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?," Normative Ethics and Welfare Economics Conference, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, October 2018.
"Contextual Integrity and Knowledge Commons," Privacy as Knowledge Commons Governance Conference, Villanova University, Charles Widger School of Law, October 2018.
"Attempted Murder of AdNauseam: Unfortunate Tale of Love, Loyalty, Trust, and Betrayal," Amsterdam Privacy Conference, University of Amsterdam, October 2018.
"Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data (Food) Chain," IC Colloquia, School of Computer and Communication Sciences, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, October 2018.
"Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?," Tech/Law Colloquium, Cornell University, September 2018.
"Conceptual Challenges," Workshop for Mapping Privacy and Surveillance Dynamics in Emerging Mobile Ecosystems: Practices and Contexts, University of Maryland, College Park, June 2018.
"Post-consent Privacy and Contextual Integrity," Statewide Civil Legal and Technology Conference: The Role of Technology in Promoting Access to Justice, Cornell Tech, June 2018.
"Post-consent Privacy Regulation," State of the Field Workshop on the Digital Transformation, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, June 2018.
"Online Manipulation," Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Berkeley School of Law, University of California, May 2018.
"Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data (Food) Chain," Beyond Accuracy: Machine Learning and Human Values, Apple University, Cupertino, May 2018.
"Theory of Contextual Integrity and Data Privacy," Remnin University of China Law School, May 2018.
"Contextual Integrity as Privacy: Theory and Applications," Shangdong University, May 2018.
"Theory of Contextual Integrity and Data Privacy," China Data Law Summit, East China University, May 2018.
"Contextual Integrity – In Practice," Privacy Seminar, Institute for Software Research, Carnegie Mellon University, April 2018.
"Deregulating Collection: Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?" Data, Ethics and Decision-Making Lectures Series, Columbia University, March 2018.
"Contextual Integrity – In Practice," Microsoft Corporation, February 2018.
"Contextual Integrity Up and Down the Data Food Chain," Theoretical Inquiries in Law - The Problem of Theorizing Privacy, Tel Aviv University, January 2018.
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity and the Case of mHealth," Sara Fine Institute Lecture, University of Pittsburgh, November 2017.
"Machine Readable Humans: Anything Wrong With That?," After the Digital Tornado Conference, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, November 2017.
"Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation?," Sidley Austin Distinguished Lecture on Big Data Law and Policy, Moritz College of Law, Ohio State University, November 2017.
"Privacy & Data," Challenging Society Session Keynote Speaker, University of Amsterdam, October 2017.
"Data Obfuscation vs. Machine Readable Humanity," Workshop on Algorithmic Regulation, Centre for Analysis of Risk and Regulation, London School of Economics, July 2017.
"Values in Algorithms: Then/Now," Keynote Lecture, Centre for Technology Ethics, Law & Society (TELOS) 10th Anniversary Celebration, King's College London, June 2017.
"Resisting the Lure of Big Data Exceptionalism," Featured Speaker, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, University of Lyon, June 2017.
"From MOOCs to VLEs: Why Privacy is Still Important," Big Data and Education: Ethical and Moral Challenges, University of Haifa, May 2017.
"Accountability, Transparency, Answerability," For the People: By the Robot. Symposium on Policy Challenges in the ML Era, University of Pennsylvania Law School, February 2017.
"Values in Algorithms: Then/Now," Conference on Algorithms in Culture, Berkeley Institute for Data Science, December 2016.
"Privacy in Small Data Systems," Applications Mobiles en Sante: Des Usages Aux Enjeux Ethiques, Deontologiques et Juridiques, Universite du Quebec a Montreal, November 2016.
"Differential Privacy in Context: Conceptual and Ethical Considerations," Differential Privacy Symposium, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, November 2016.
"Metadata in Context - An Ontological and Normative Analysis of the NSA's Bulk Telephony Metadata Collection Program" (with Paula Kift), NSA Bulk Metadata Collection: Evaluating Privacy Through the Lens of Contextual Integrity, Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, November 2016.
"Origin Privacy" (with Anupam Datta and Michael Tschantz), Brandeis PI Meeting, Woburn, MA, October 2016.
"Privacy in Small Data Systems," Conference on Security and Privacy for the Internet of Things, Center for Information Technology Policy at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, October 2016.
"Can Data Use Regulation Replace Privacy in a Free Society?" Docile Individuals? Privacy, Community, and the State, Interdisciplinary Conference at Columbia University, October 2016.
"Contextual Integrity, or Why We Should Care About Privacy Even If You Don't," Facebook Speaker Series, Menlo Park, CA, August 2016.
"Contextual Integrity in Practice," First Interdisciplinary Summer School on Privacy (ISP 2016), Nijmegen, The Netherlands, July 2016.
"Privacy at the Intersection of Ethics and Technology," Keynote Lecture, Munich Center for Internet Research (MCIR), July 2016.
"Fixing FOIA? Technology and the Future of Open Government," Panel Participant, FOIA@50, Columbia Journalism School, June 2016.
"Privacy of Public Data" (with Kirsten Martin), Privacy Law Scholars Conference, George Washington University, June 2016.
"John Mitchell, Contextual Integrity, and the Meaning of Life," Workshop on Computer Security, Logic, and Programming Languages in Honor of John Mitchell's 60th Birthday, Stanford University, May 2016.
"Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation," Cybersecurity Speaker Series, Watson Institute, Brown University, March 2016.
"(Non)content and its (Dis)contents: When Metadata Speaks," (with Kiel Brennan-Marquez, Paula Kift and Katherine Strandburg) Internet Law Works-in-Progress Conference, New York Law School, March 2016.
"Must Privacy Give Way to Use Regulation," Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism, Faculty Workshop, University of Pennsylvania, February 2016.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent," Intellectual Property and Information Law Colloquium, Cardozo Law School, February 2016.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent: Blow to Privacy or New Beginnings," Data Science Institute, University of Virginia, February 2016.
"Data Obfuscation for Resistance and Protest," 2015-16 Mellon Sawyer Seminar, UC Davis, November 2015.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent: Blow to Privacy, or New Beginnings," Keynote Lecture, Amsterdam Privacy Week, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 2015.
"Values at Play in Technical Systems: Privacy and Security," Women's Institute in Summer Enrichment, UC Berkeley, June 2015.
"Elements of Contextual Integrity Guiding the Empirical Study of Privacy," Kings College London, June 2015.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent," MacData Colloquium, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, May 2015.
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity: Bridging Ethics and Technology," InfoSci Colloquium, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., May 2015.
"Respect for Context as a Privacy Benchmark: What it is and isn't," CITP Luncheon Speaker Series, Princeton University, N.J., April 2015.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent," Privacy in a Data Collection Society Conference, Loyola University, Chicago I.L., April 2015.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent," Twenty-Ninth Meeting of the Committee on Science, Technology and Law, National Academies of Sciences and Engineering, Irvine, C.A., March 2015.
"Contextual Integrity and Values in Design," Privacy by Design State of Research and Practice Workshop, Computing Community Consortium (CCC), Berkeley, C.A., February 2015.
"What Privacy Means Online," Lecture Series, African Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Muizenberg, South Africa, January 2015.
"Big Data's End Run Around Anonymity and Consent," Invited session, APA Eastern Division Meeting, Philadelphia, P.A., December 2014.
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity," Keynote, IRISS Demosec: Democracy and Security Final Event, Brussels, Belgium, October 2014.
"Resisting Data's Tyranny with Obfuscation," Colloquium, MIT Comparative Media Studies, Cambridge, October 2014
"Respect for Context as Privacy Benchmark: What it is and isn't," Lecture series, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D.C., August 2014
"Obfuscation as Transgressive Practice against Data Tyranny," Keynote, Critical Themes in Media Studies Graduate Conference, The New School for Social Research, April 2014
"Disclosure and Notice Practices in Private Data Collection," Data Privacy & Transparency in Private and Government Data Collection symposium, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, April 2014
"Respect for Context as a Privacy Benchmark: What it is, and isn't," Keynote, European Union Joint Research Center Workshop on Emerging ICT for Citizen Veillance, Ispra, Italy, March 2014
"Big Data's End Run around Anonymity and Consent," Berman Institute of Bioethics, Individualized Health Seminar, Johns Hopkins University, February 2014
"Privacy as Contextual Integrity," Institute for Public Values in Policy and Science, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, February 2014
"Obfuscation as Resistance to the Tyranny of Data," New Media Salon, Tel Aviv, Israel, December 2013
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy: Theory and Application," Computer Science Department, Weizmann Institute, Israel, December 2013
"Obfuscation as Resistance to the Tyranny of Data," Departmental Seminar, Communication and Journalism, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 2013
"Online Court Records Project," Presentation to the Engelard Committee of the Minister of Justice, Jerusalem, Israel, November 2013
"DIY Privacy with Obfuscation," IBM R&D Labs Information Privacy Seminar, Haifa, Israel, October 2013
"Respect for Context as a Privacy Benchmark: What it is, and isn't," Fondation Télécom Seminar on The Futures of Privacy, Paris, October, 2013
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy: Theory and Application," Institut Mines-Télécom, Paris, October 2013
"DIY Privacy with Obfuscation," PRISM Breakup, Eyebeam Artt + Technology Center, New York, October 2013
"Contextual Integrity: Theory and Applications," Intel Workshop on Privacy and Accountability, Hillsboro, August 2013
"DIY Privacy with Obfuscation," HotPETS 2013 Keynote Lecture, Bloomington, IN, June 2013
"Contextual Integrity and Applications," Workshop on Privacy, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, May 2013
"Respect for Context Online: What it is and isn't," Conference on Information Ethics and Politics, University of Washington, Seattle, April 2013
"DIY Privacy with Obfuscation," Surveillance Studies Seminar, Queen's University, Ontario, March 2013
"The (Privacy) Trouble with MOOCs," Brockington Lecture, Queen's University, Ontario, March 2013
"The (Privacy) Trouble with MOOCs," Media, Technology, and Society Series, Northwestern University, Chicago, March 2013
"DIY Privacy with Obfuscation," The Technology of Privacy Conference, Silicone Flatirons Center, The University of Colorado, Boulder, January 2013
"Values-at-Play in Technology Design," Public Lecture, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, November 2012
"What Privacy Protects Online," Colloquium, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania, November 2012
"Contextual Integrity Confronts MOOCs," Symposium on Digital Ethics, Loyola University, Chicago, November 2012
"Respect for Contexts: What it is and what it isn't," Keynote Lecture, Amsterdam Privacy Conference, October 2012
"What Privacy Protects Online," Keynote Lecture, Amsterdam Privacy Conference, October 2012
"Are Informational Norms Useful in Audit?" SHARPS/OHIT Workshop on Audit & HIE, Chicago, August 2012
"Privacy in Context Online," Alcatel-Lucent Research Colloquium, Paris, June 2012
"Technology, Law, and Democratic Legitimacy," Keynote Lecture, Digital Enlightenment Forum: Governance in the Digital Society, Luxembourg, June 2012
"Obfuscation: Sacrilege in the data–driven society," Speculative Futures: Critical Perspectives on Risk, Uncertainty, and Security, UC Santa Barbara, May 2012
"Respect for Context in Privacy Online," Liberation Technology Program Colloquium, Stanford University, March 2012
"Privacy: Computing, IT, Digital Media," NITRD Symposium, Washington DC, February 2012
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online," I3P Consortium Meeting, New York City, February 2012
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online," Communications Colloquium, Columbia University, December 2011
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online," The American Academy of Arts and Sciences Briefing on New Models for Internet Privacy and Security, Washington DC, November 2011
"Privacy and Open Justice," 8th Conference on Privacy and Public Access to Court Records, William and Mary School of Law, Williamsburg, November 2011
"At What Cost?: The Privacy Issues that Must Be Considered in a Digital World," The Futures of Entertainment Conference, MIT Program in Comparative Media Studies, November 2011
"Obfuscation: Science, Politics, and Ethics of a Vernacular Response to Privacy Threats," Distinguished Lecture Series, Computer Science Department, University of Illinois, Chicago, October 2011
"A Contextual Approach to Privacy Online," Google, Mountain View, August 2011
"At What Cost?: The Privacy Issues that Must Be Considered in a Digital World," The Futures of Entertainment Conference, MIT Program in Comparative Media Studies, November 2011
"Sustaining both Privacy and Open Justice in the Transition from Local to Online Access to Court Records: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry," (with Amanda Conley, Anupam Datta, and Divya Sharma) Privacy Law Scholars Conference, Berkeley, June 2011
"Contextual Integrity: A Theory of Privacy and its Value," Center for Integrated Business Research and Education, Oakland University, March 2011
"Why Privacy Online is Different, and Why it Isn't," CIS Speaker Series, Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, Stanford Law School, March 2011
"Why Privacy Online is Different, and Why it Isn't," CSLS Speaker Series, Center for the Study of Law & Society, UC Berkeley School of Law, March 2011
"From Preemption to Circumvention: If Technology Regulates Why Do We Need Regulation (and Vice Versa)?" David E. Nelson Keynote, Technology and Regulation Symposium, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, UC Berkeley, March 2011
"Why Privacy Online is Different and Why It Isn't," Deirdre G. Martin Memorial Lecture on Privacy Law, Centre for Law, Technology and Society, University of Ottawa, February 2011
"Privacy Online: What We Can Learn from the Fourth Amendment," Symposium on Privacy Jurisprudence as an Instrument of Social Change," University of Pennsylvania Law School, January 2011
"Does Privacy in Context Endorse Moral Relativism?" 2010 Uehiro/Carnegie/Oxford Conference, University of Oxford, December 2010
"Innovating Against the Grain: The Case of Adnostic," Panel presentation, Privacy and Innovation Symposium, Information Society Project, Yale Law School, October 2010
"Understanding Privacy in Context: A Discussion at the NYU Abu Dhabi Institute," Interdisciplinary Studies in Information Security and Privacy Workshop, NYU Abu Dhabi Institute, October 2010
"Privacy Challenges of Patient-Centric Health Information Systems" (with A. Datta, N. Dave, J. Mitchell, and D. Sharma), HealthSec Workshop, Washington DC, August 2010
"Privacy in Context: Technology, Policy and the Integrity of Social Life," Haifa University Law School, Israel, June 2010
"Contextual Integrity and Applications," Keynote Lecture, Workshop on Security and Privacy, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, May 2010
"What's Wrong with Online Behavioral Advertising," Joint Colloquium of the Philosophy Department and Digital Humanities Center, Dartmouth, May 2010
"Problems with Notice and Consent for Protecting Privacy Online" (download), INCO-Trust Workshop, NY, May 2010
"Values in Design: Adnostic and TrackMeNot," Information Trust Institute Seminar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 15, 2010
"The Ethics of Ethnographic Research in Public Places," Ethics Center Colloquium: Outreach, Consultation and Survival in Economic Hard Times, Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Indiana University, Cincinnati, OH, March 4-7, 2010
"A PAIT Case Study: Online Behavioral Advertising & Contextual Integrity," PAIT Workshop: Ethical Guidance for Research and Application of Pervasive and Autonomous Information Technology, Indiana University Poynter Center for the Study of Ethics and American Institutions, Cincinnati, Ohio, March 3-4, 2010
"Liberating Legal Information: The Law.gov Movement," Invited panelist (with Carl Malamud and Nicholas Bramble), New York Law School, February 2010
"Defining Transparency," Invited Panelist, Workshop on Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency, Center for Information Technology Policy, Princeton University, January 2010
"Privacy, Technology, Policy, and the Integrity of Social Life," Keynote, HUGO Symposium on Genomics and Ethics, Law and Society: Sequencing of Individual Genomics: Impact on Society and Ethics, Geneva, Switzerland, November 1-3, 2009
"Online Public Access to Court Records and Contextual Integrity," Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership, Information Ethics Workshop, University of Pittsburgh, October 10, 2009
"Privads: Targeting Without Tracking," Workshop on Federal Privacy Legislation, New York University School of Law, Information Law Institute, October 2, 2009
"Confidentiality and Contextual Integrity," NSF Workshop on Confidential Data Collection for Innovation Analysis in Organizations, Redmond, WA, September 9-10, 2009
"What's Wrong with Online Behavioral Advertising? Problems and Solutions," First Fridays Research Colloquium, New York University, 2009
"Privacy in Context," US France Young Engineering Scientist Symposium, US-NSF and Office of Science and Technology (France), Washington DC, July 2009
"What's Wrong with Behavioral Advertising?" 8th International Conference of Computer Ethics: Philosophical Inquiry, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece, June 2009
"Respecting Privacy: Risk/Benefit versus Privacy," Data Risk Workshop, NYU Stern Center for Digital Economy Research and IBM Research, New York, April 2009
"Privacy, Technology, and the Integrity of Social Life," Conference on Privacy Rights and Wrongs: Balancing Moral Priorities for the 21st Century, Center for Ethics Education at Fordham University, April 2009
"Terms of Service: A Play in One Act," Symposium on Information Intermediaries in the Information Society, Center on Law and Information Policy, March 27, 2009 (download pdf)
"Privacy in Context," Colloquium of the Philosophy Department and Center for Applied and Professional Ethics, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, March 2009
"Values at Play in Digital Games and TrackMeNot," Colloquium of the Information Science Program, Cornell University, February 2009
"Privacy, Technology and the Integrity of Social Life," Paduano Seminar in Business Ethics, Stern School of Business, NYU, February 2009
"Privacy and the Integrity of Social Life," Conference on The Right to Privacy and Individual Liberties - from Ancient Times to the Cyberspace Age, Institute for American and Talmudic Law, January 2009
Ph.D. Dissertations
Jessica Feldman 2017, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Luke Stark 2016, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Kyle Rentschler 2015, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Solon Barocas 2014, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Ian Spiro 2013, NYU Department of Computer Science, Committee
Matthew Tierney 2013, NYU Department of Computer Science, Committee
Travis Hall 2013, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Manuel Arriaga 2010, NYU Stern School of Business, Committee
Alice Marwick, 2010, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Committee
Daniel Howe, 2009, NYU Department of Computer Science, Committee
Joseph Reagle, 2008, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Michael Zimmer, 2008, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Chair
Bilge Yesil, 2005, NYU Department of Media, Culture & Communication, Committee
Azi Lev-On, 2005, NYU Department of Politics , Committee
Gaia Bernstein, 2005, NYU Law School, Committee