IMPACTS OF TECHNOLOGY: Information Technology and Privacy
Professor: Helen Nissenbaum
Department of Culture and Communication
Fall '02 (E38.1034001SP02)
The course examines social impacts of technology through the case of information technologies and their impacts on privacy. Few social values have been as dramatically affected as privacy by developments in the huge array of technologies of information, from photography to video, from databases to biometrics, from wire-taps to polygraphs. Social commentary attending these developments have been equally diverse, predicting the death of privacy, proclaiming its insignificance, and suggesting that technology itself has brought privacy into existence as an inchoate set of disparate values and interests. We will study some of these technologies and their impacts. We will note the people, institutions, and interests that are affected. And we will learn how to think about some of the challenges and evaluate them from the perspective of social, ethical, and political values.
The subject of technology and privacy can be approached from many different vantage points. In the course, we adopt a philosophical perspective. This means that we seek to appreciate the effects of technology on privacy through an understanding of the meaning and value of privacy. The course is structured around several issues:
- The technology. We will study a variety of technologies that have raised questions and protest, including photography, video-recording, biometrics, computer databases, computer and online monitoring, information processing techniques, and polygraphs. We also will examine some of the proposed technical solutions to privacy threats.
- The contexts. We study some of the contexts in which these various technologies operate, especially those that have aroused public controversy, such as the workplace, marketplace, home, World Wide Web, doctor¹s office, public squares, mind, body, and on the road.
- The law. We study the extent and limits of privacy protection provided through law.
- The value of privacy. We study the meaning and value of privacy through philosophical analysis and ethical, political and legal theory.
- Privacy in conflict. Claims have been made about several important values that appear to conflict with privacy, including free speech, profit, efficiency, security, and accountability. How do we choose? Can we make sensible tradeoffs?
- Technology and values. Should we blame technology for the loss of privacy? Or, is technology merely the tool that assists legitimate social forces?
- Web Resources. Many readings have been made available through the Course homepage either via External
or Course Documents. Those available online are marked
- Course
Reader: All other readings (except if noted otherwise) can be found in
Course Reader. Available from: MacDougal Copy Center, 127 MacDougal
(betw. W3 & W4). Call before going:
- Weston,
A, A Rulebook for Arguments
(Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company)
Students are expected to attend all classes and
complete assigned readings prior to class meetings. Grades for the course will
be assessed according to three criteria: in-class participation, examinations,
and short essays as follows.
30% Participation (Attendance, classroom, and online participation)
40% Examinations (Midterm and Final)
30% Essays (Two short essays)
To pass the class, students muse attain passing grades in all three.
The homepage will serve as the hub of the class.
The following important elements will be found there: syllabus, which will be
updated as we go along; discussion group where students can post questions,
ideas, and observations; useful external links; essay questions; readings.
Students should check frequently.
September 4: Introduction to the course
September 9: Overview of Impacts of Technology on Privacy
For at least a century, technological innovations that have stirred cries of “privacy invasion”. We review some of the significant cases, focusing on some current examples.
Penenberg, Adam L. “The Surveillance
Society.” Wired. (December 2001).
Greenhouse, Linda “Justices Say Warrant is Required In High-Tech Searches,” The New York Times, June 12, A.1
Marx, Gary “Technology and Gender: Thomas I.
Voire and the Case of the Peeping Tom,” Sociological
Quarterly, (forthcoming). CD
Barlow, John P. “Private Life in Cyberspace.” Computers, Ethics, and Social
Values. Eds. D. Johnson and H. Nissenbaum. (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall,
1995). 310-314.
Various readings from popular media about
surveillance on the Roads
September 11: Anonymity
Being anonymous is, strictly speaking, to be
unnamed. Anonymity is sometimes considered an important aspect of privacy but
it can also be dangerous. Anonymity may be increasingly difficult to achieve
an information age.
Froomkin, A. Michael. “Legal Issues in Anonymity and Pseudonymity.” The Information Society. (Volume 15, Number 2: April-June 1999).
Herz, J. C. “Cross-dressing in Cyberspace.” Surfing
on the Internet. (New York: Little, Brown, and Company,
Special Event: Tour Washington Square and
environs with Bill Brown
Video surveillance is seen as the answer to
insecurity, especially in the wake of terror and crime. The United Kingdom has
embraced this technology with great enthusiasm and, it appears, little public
objection. We also read the most famous modern paper written about the right
privacy, which all began with video’s precursor – photography.
Bentham, J.. The
Panopticon Writings. Edited by Miran Bozovic (London: Verso, 1995)
Rosen, Jeffrey. “A Watchful State.” The New York Times Magazine, October 7,
2001. 38-43, 85,92,93.
Short paper due today
Short Paper (approx. 2-pages): Select one example from Sept. 9 readings of a technological device or system
whose use has raised privacy concerns, for example, thermal imaging, EZ Pass,
cell phone identification numbers, etc. Describe how the technology works, how
it is or can be used, and whether you think it is problematic. Give reasons.
You may wish to do some further reading, but need not. Try the
and search on topic of interest.
In an impersonal world, how can we know enough
about the people around us, who we may need to depend on and trust? Biometric
technologies not only identify, they also authenticate identity. Is this a
Clarke, Roger A. “Human Identification in
Information Systems: Management Challenges and Public Policy Issues”, Information Technology & People 7,
(December 1994) 6-37
Agre, Philip “Your face is Not a Bar Code:
Arguments Against Automatic Face Recognition in Public Places”
Julian (1999) “The Biometric White Paper.”
When computers came to serve not only as
calculators but as information processors, it was not long before their powers
to store, organize, manipulate and analyze information about people were
exploited. In many cases, the ends were good. But, soon, the worries of “big
brother” were publicly aired, along with a sense that something needed to be
done to control their proliferation and growth.
Summary and Recommendations from Records, Computers, and the Rights of
Citizens. Report of the Secretary’s
Advisory Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems. U. S. Department of Health, Education
Welfare. (Copyright by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1973).
Clarke, Roger A. “Information Technology and Dataveillance.” Computerization
and Controversy: Value Conflicts and Social Choices. Ed. Charles Dunlop and Rob Kling. (New York: Academic Press, 1991). 496-522.
Froomkin, A. Michael, “The Death of Privacy?”
Stanford Law Review, Vol 52, 1461-1543 (Read only
Gandy, O. “Exploring Identity and
Identification” in Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy, vol
14, no. 2. 2000
Tavani, Herman T. “Informational Privacy, Data
Mining and the Internet.” Ethics and
Information Technology. (Volume 1, Number 2: 1999).
Westin, Alan and Michael Baker, (1972) Databanks in a Free Society: Computers,
Record-Keeping and Privacy. (New York: Quadrangle/The New York Times Book
Co.) 3-5,15-20
CSTB: “Privacy Related Legislation”
Privacy Basics: OECD
European Commission Press Release, July 25,
1995. “Council Definitively Adopts Directive on Protection of Personal
Good healthcare depends on a vast body of
knowledge, including the knowledge physicians and other caregivers have about
individual patients. This information is stored and used. It is of great value
to the patients themselves and to society at large – public health and
research. But many people feel that information about their health is
and personal and should not be widely shared. Are they right? Should there be
restraints on what information is gathered and how it is used? Should genetic
information be treated in unique ways?
Goldman, Janlori. “Protecting Privacy to Improve Health Care.” Health care.
(November/December 1998.) 47-60.
Read the latest about Federal Rules applying to
medical records on Health Privacy Project Website:
Murray, Thomas H. “Genetic Exceptionalism and ‘Future Diaries’: Is Genetic
Information Different from Other Medical Information?” Genetic Secrets: Protecting Privacy and Confidentiality in the Genetic
Era. Ed. Mark A. Rothstein. (New Haven: Yale University Press,
1997). 60-73.
Information technology can track not only the status of health, but state of mind, personality and habit. Is this sinister
simply a more effective way of “getting to know you”?
Regan, Priscilla. “Psychological Privacy:
Evaluating our Thoughts.” Legislating
Privacy. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995). Chapter
Westin, Alan F. Privacy and Freedom. (New York: Atheneum, 1967). 3-7,
DeCew, Judith. In Pursuit of Privacy. (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997).
We sometimes take for granted the privacy of
communications. We can whisper, pass notes, even send things in the mail, and
expect them to remain secret. What can we expect, hope, or demand of our new
communications technologies, from telephones to landlines to cell phones to
Regan, Priscilla. “Communication Privacy:
Transmitting Our Message.” Legislating
Privacy. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1995). Chapter
Carnivore and Magic Lantern: Read about them in
The online world offers protection from much of
the scrutiny of physical interaction – others can’t see or hear us. They may
not know us. Yet online transaction has become increasingly a source of
betrayal of our habits and origins. How so? And what should we do about
Committee on the Internet in the Evolving
Information Infrastructure, (2001) The
Internet’s Coming of Age, Report of the Computer Science and
Telecommunications Board. Chapter 1, 1-5
Bennett, Colin J. “Cookies, Web Bugs, Webcams,
and Cue Cats: Patterns of Surveillance on the World Wide Web.” Ethics and Information Technology.
(Volume 3, Number 3: 2001) 197-210.
Online profiling (See
Smith, Marica, “Internet Privacy: An Analysis
Technology and Policy Issues” Report of the Congressional Research Service,
December 2000
Guest Lecturer (10/28) Gaia Bernstein
U.S. law has grappled with both conceptual and
normative privacy issues. Pulled in opposite directions by those, on the one
hand, who see privacy as a distinctive value and on the other, by those who
it as a hodge-podge of more fundamental values, the law reveals complexity and
confusion in its commitment to privacy. We examine various sources of legal
protection for privacy, and will consider skeptical as well as committed
Bill of Rights at
Warren, Samuel D. and Louis D. Brandeis. “The Right to Privacy [The Implicit Made
Explicit].” Philosophical Dimensions of
Privacy: An Anthology. Ed. Ferdinand Schoeman. (New York: Cambridge U P, 1984). 75-103.
Prosser, William L. “Privacy” California Law Review, vol 48, no.3 August 1960, 383-424 -- CD
Solove, Daniel J. and Marc Rotenberg
“Information Privacy Law Cases and Materials” Aspen Publishing co, 2002, pp.
November 4,6: Technology and Society
How can we understand the social implications of technology, generally. What can we say about the complex relationships among
people, technology, societies, and values. We read about some of the central
views on this matter, beginning with the question: what is technology,
Weinberg, Alvin. “Can Technology Replace
Engineering?” Controlling Technology:
Contemporary Issues. Ed. William Thompson (Buffalo: Prometheus Books,
1991). 41-48.
Florman, Samuel C. “In Praise of Technology.”
Controlling Technology: Contemporary
Ed. William Thompson. (Buffalo: Prometheus Books, 1991).
Winner, Langdon. “Do Artifacts Have
Politics?” The Whale and the Reactor. (Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1988). 19-39.
Mumford, Lewis. “Authoritarian and Democratic
Technics.” Controlling Technology:
Contemporary Issues. Ed. William Thompson. (Buffalo: Prometheus Books,
1991). 371-378.
11,13: Philosophical Analysis
What is privacy and why do we value it? These
are the basic questions philosophers have asked. The questions are important
because they provide reasons or justifications for heartfelt opinions on
controversial issues. We will see, however, why theorists and activists alike
have found privacy a challenging notion to grasp and defend. What interests
values does privacy challenge and how do we settle important
Reiman, Jeffrey. “Driving to the Panopticon: A
Philosophical Exploration of the Risks to Privacy Posed by the Highway
Technology of the Future.” Santa Clara
Computer and High Technology Law Journal. (Volume 11, Number 1: March
1995). 27-44.
Gavison, Ruth. “Privacy and the Limits of Law.” The Yale Law Journal (Vol.
No. 3: January 1980) 421-471.
Nissenbaum, Helen. “Protecting Privacy in an Information Age: The Problem of
in Public.” Law and Philosophy (Volume
17: 1998). 559-596. CD
Guest Lecturer: Andrew
In some ways we have more privacy than ever
before. Some would argue this is even a curse of our liberal times. But in
other ways we have less. Smith provides a glimpse into this question with some
historical anecdote and astute observations about the contemporary condition.
Smith, Janna Malamud. Private Matters. (New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,
Inc., 1997). 53-72, 235-243.
Skeptical views on privacy are maintained on a
variety of grounds: people don’t care about privacy; privacy conflicts with
other more important interests and liberties; and privacy is a negative social
value. We will critically evaluate some of these
Allen, Anita, “Coercing Privacy” in 40 William and Mary Law Review
Singleton, Solveig. “Privacy as Censorship: A Skeptical View of Proposals to
Privacy in the Private Sector.” Cato Policy Analysis No. 295. (January 22, 1998).
Posner, Richard. “An Economic Theory of
Reprinted in Philosophical Dimensions of
Privacy: An Anthology. Ed. Ferdinand Schoeman. (New York: Cambridge U P, 1984)
Hahn, Robert “An Assessment of the Costs of
Proposed Online Privacy Legislation” Research Report of the American
Institute, May 7, 2001 CD
Volokh, Eugene “Personalization and Privacy”
from Communications of the ACM, August 2000, vol 43, issue 8, At 84.
Information technology – databases,
genetics, surveillance cameras – is usually understood as posing threats to
privacy. But, here, we consider ways in which information technology can serve
to protect privacy.
Levy, Stephen. “Crypto Rebels.” High Noon on
Electronic Frontier. Ed. Peter Ludlow. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1996). 185-205.
Schneier, Bruce. “Cryptography Primer.” The Electronic Privacy Papers. Ed. Scheier and Banisar. (New York: Wiley, 1997). 258-284.
Joseph and Cranor, Lorrie. “The Platform for Privacy Preferences,.” Communications of the ACM. (Volume 42,
Number 2: February 1999). 48-55.
Brin, David. “Chapter 3: Privacy Under
Siege.” The Transparent Society. (Reading:
Addison-Wesley, 1998). 3-26
December 9: Final Examination